Namaste and welcome to Alissa Marie yoga!

I am so grateful the universe has connected us. I am not sure why or how our paths have crossed but I trust there is some intersection with my story and yours!

I was introduced to yoga through my own struggles with anxiety, motherhood, trauma, recovery from addiction and alcoholism, and disconnection from my body and spirit. 

I connected with strong insightful women that guided me along this path of reconnection to myself; just as I was, and moved me towards who I wanted(or who I was meant) to be.

Connecting mind, body, spirit and breath through my yoga practice was so powerful for my healing and recovery I wanted to be able to share as I continued to learn. 

I studied and earned my 200hr yoga teacher certification in 2012 with Mimi Ray Yoga inspired in the Anusaura tradition of Hatha Yoga.

 In 2015 I added a Prenatal Yoga teacher certification from Blooma International in Nashville Tennessee as a way of healing and reconciling my own birth trauma. I’ve worked with many mothers and their families over the years with the mission to support, empower, and educate them through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum or the fourth trimester.

Deepening my practice in 2020 I studied with Heather Dexter ND and Birth doula to explore Reiki levels 1 and 2 in hopes of better connecting with myself and students energetically.

And in 2023 I studied with Leslie Howard Yoga to earn my certification in Yoga for the Pelvic Floor. This training has sparked a whole new level of understanding and healing for me and my students. The link between the physical body, breath body, and emotional or energetic body in this form of yoga has transformed my journey and my teaching profoundly!

From weekly classes of gentle and basic yoga, to workshops for chair yoga, pelvic floor yoga, partner yoga, vision board yoga, or private classes one on one or group sessions for healing bonding or special events; there is a way to modify yoga for you and your current situation!

My yoga practice has evolved over the years as I’ve navigated through life’s ups and downs. Through transitions in parenting, relationships, grief and loss, recovery from alcoholism and addiction, nurturing new adventures and opportunities, healing from injury and anxiety I’ve found that “yoga meets you right where you are” if you’re willing and open. 

My hope is to help you discover “where you are”, and guide you into your own yoga practice that uniquely fits you and your lifestyle. 

My home base is @liveunprocessed studio in Grand Rapids Mi. You can contact me through the studio website or through this website.

I am available in studio, virtually, or in your home for classes, workshops, or private sessions.